Selasa, 17 Juni 2014


Pengarang : A. Chaedar Alwasilah
Penerbit : Rosda
Cetakan Ke : 2
Tahun Terbit : 2014
Bahasa : Indonesia
Jumlah Halaman : xxvi + 437
Kertas Isi : CD
Cover : Hard
Ukuran : 15.5 x 21 cm
Berat : 600 gram 
Kondisi : Baru
Harga : Rp 112.500    Diskon 15%
Bayar : Rp 95.625
Stok : 1

Foreword to the Internatioal Edition by Don Faust, Ph.D. and Judith Puncochar, Ph.D.
Opening By Harry Bhaskara
Introduction by Dr. Sharon L. Pugh
Down To Earth with Islam
1 Pancasila-contextualized Islam
2 The haj pilgrimage: A social and global vision
3 Holistic education creates ‘perfect people’
4 Seeking balance betwen immater Wial, materiall cultures
5 Preaching is not enought to stop radicalism
6 Is Ramadhan a moth for jihad?
7 Ramadhan: Month of education and social solidarity
8 Applying Ramadhan’s values
9 Idul Fitri: Festivity of charity and forgiveness
10 Reinterpreting mudik
11 Redefining Religion at Shoo;
12 Classroom discourse to foster religious harmony

Cross-curricular teaching is vital in primary education
Curriculum for adding meaning
Decentralized education a must
Designing education for modernity
Down to earth with Indonesian teachers’ knowledge
Education to develop social awareness
Redefining moral education a must
Enhancing multicultural education
Improving higher RI education
In Indonesia, libera studies are unfortunaetly neglected
Pragmatism in British schools
Professors’ reluctance to teach undergraduates
Redefining college education
Redesigning curriculum for multicultural teachers
Reforming music education in Indonesia
Revitalizing national education
Rights education for building a democracy
Teacher, not curriculum, matters
Teachers as researchers: is it possible in Indonesia?
Trimming primary school subjects toward character building
Universities are born to be autonomous—academically
Vocational education must provide students with life skills
Why (not) international education?
Improving teacher training colleges

Language Education
Are we ready for IFL teching?
Ethnic literature helps inspire learning and writing
Goverment indifference hindering literacy in local languages
Literature deserves a place in our school lessons
Resurrecting literature in schools
Should college students learn Indonesian?
Adult content in primary textbooks
Intellectuals lack writing skills
It’s time to revitalize Indonesian teaching
Is there such a thing as ‘Indonesian English’?
What’s right with native speakers as English instructor?
Redesigning the curricullum for English teachers
English language teaching must be reformed (1)
English language teaching must be reformed (2)
Improving college English to function to the full
Textbook writers’ skills quiried
Why literature work is not popular among students
It’s right time to revitalize the Youth Pledge
Lament for minor languages
Languages democratization a must
Language modernization needs collective effort
Language education buildz critical thinking
Critical thinking crucial to global success
Unlocking Indonesian language policy
Developing writing skills from childhood
Plagiarism, a failure in education
Powerfull writers versus the helpless readers
Readers today, leaders tomorrow
Shifting writing from knowlege to commitment
Ways to better RI English skills
Writing is neglected in our schools
Writing needs more recognition

Bureaucracy must be tamed
Honorary degree: The right move at wrong time
Hooliganism a failure in education
The neo-nostalgia of Malay culture
Community newspapers helps boots literacy
Developing political literacy
Lesson from regional elections: In political parties we do not trust
Presidential debate a form of education
Corruption within the Indonesian academic community
Afterword by C. W. Watson
About the Author

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